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KZ is founded by the well-known Chinese director Kimberly Zhao. 
Today, there are many clothing brands with nice designs on the market. However, many of them do not pay attention to the quality of their items. We have all had tee shirts that shrunk, tees with prints or logos that were damaged after a couple of washes. There is a reason why the saying  "Quality over Quantity." still exists.
KZ is a vision oriented brand that pushes Kimberly's vision and lifestyle outwards. At KZ, we care about both quality and style. The brand represents freedom and the lifestyle of " I am my own boss."
Whenever someone makes a purchase with KZ, a percentage of the profit goes to charity, helping underprivileged kids in China to afford education. We understand that when you buy an item of clothing, it should be comfortable and highest of quality to last for a long time...At KZ, we make that EZ.
KZ was a friends and family brand, only available to Kimberly's film crew and casts. It is now released to the public's eye for the first time. Quantity is limited due to its popularity (Actually autographed t-shirts by Kimberly and her casts are even more scarce). Please check our website frequently for new special items.


Three force 

1) Social: Rather than gaining pure profit, what matters to us more is to push out a lifestyle that encourages people to chase their dreams. Our t-shirts symbolize hard work.  When people wear KZ, they give people the energy and the momentum to carry out their goals.

2) Economically: On top of our competitive pricing, a big chunk of our sales goes to charity. We believe children are the future here at KZ, we care about "Kidz." 

3) Technology: our KZ items are worn by many Chinese A- list entertainers, together with the help of social media, KZ is creating a new wave, a wave that represents a central mentality: chase your dream and be your own King.


KZ 品牌是由中国著名导演及编剧赵晨阳所创立。


KZ 是一个由未来远见和憧憬而定位的品牌,此品牌侧面的呈现了赵晨阳导演的美好异象和生活方式。在KZ,我们在注重产品质量的同时也保持了产品的独特风格。此外,我们品牌呈现了“自由”以及“做自己的王” 的核心重要理念。

与很多其他品牌不同的是,您在KZ的每一次购买,其中一部分消费都会自动募捐到慈善机构来帮助中国贫困孩子进入学校读书。另外,我们了解客户对产品的需求,尤其是面料的舒适度与耐用度。在KZ, 我们为您成全这一切。

KZ 作为一个友好的家族品牌,最初仅仅开放于赵晨阳导演的剧组成员。 庆幸的是,现在,KZ 品牌正式初次与公众见面!然而,因公众对赵晨阳导演与此品牌的热爱度,很多产品在数量上有所限制,尤其是带有赵导与剧组签名的商品更是限量。敬请大家时常留意网页商品实时动态。




社交: 在KZ,我们所注重的是帮助大家一步步活出自己的梦想而不是单纯的盈利。我们的成衣就是我们辛勤努力的成果。当大家穿着K Z 的同时,会给别人带来一种激情和动力去活出自己的命定。


技术:在社交网络的推广与大部分一流演艺圈人士穿着KZ 产品的同时,KZ 带领了一股新的潮流,这股潮流代表着“做自己王”的重要心态!

About KZ Brand
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